Marriages have unfortunately become one of the many casualties of war and deployment. For members of the military based in Florida, it is not unusual for spouses and families to be separated for extended amounts of time. The transition back home can cause strains on both marriages and family relationships.…
Articles Posted in Alimony
Florida Family Law and Military Servicemen and Servicewomen
A divorce involving military families from or in Jacksonville, Florida can be complex because a military divorce has distinct issues that can involve Florida and federal law. Generally, dissolution of marriage is governed by the laws of the State of Florida, but the federal government has enacted legislation that applies…
My Spouse Cheated On Me – How Does This Affect Alimony? Child Custody?
Historically in Florida and other States, adultery and divorce were much more closely correlated than they are today in the eyes of the law. In order to get a divorce in the past, the innocent party had to prove that their spouse committed some significant wrongdoing in order to seek…
Getting “Back on your Feet” After a Divorce
Slowly, Florida court ruling as to permanent alimony have changed over time. Today, alimony can still be awarded to men and women permanently, but it also serves to “get people back on their feet” after a divorce. Florida courts will consider a variety of factors when awarding alimony that include:…
Are You Entitled to Alimony in a Florida Divorce?
Under Florida law in a proceeding for dissolution of marriage, the court may grant alimony to either party. Alimony (also called maintenance or spousal support) is a legal obligation to provide financial support to one’s spouse from the other spouse after marital separation or from the ex-spouse upon divorce. In…
My Florida Divorce and Death Benefits
The demise of death benefits in a Florida divorce. The Florida Supreme Court recently held that if a final judgment of divorce is silent about death benefits, then the policy documents control the death benefit. The reason this can be an issue is that often during a marriage spouses will…
Florida Alimony and Child Support Must Be Determined Separately
Written By: Lenorae C. Atter, Attorney Wood, Atter & Wolf, P.A. Child support and alimony laws of Florida often go hand-in-hand. In Florida, child support is calculated based on the income of both parties. In Florida, alimony is considered income to the party receiving the funds, including the person having…
Alimony Needed In My Florida Divorce
Written By: Lenorae C. Atter, Attorney Wood, Atter & Wolf, P.A. Florida divorce law allows for a spouse to be awarded spousal support/alimony, if the court finds that the requesting party has a need for support and if the other party has the ability to pay alimony. Both tests are…
In My Florida divorce, Can I Get More of the Marital Property and Assets?
Written By: Lenorae C. Atter, Attorney Wood, Atter & Wolf, P.A. In Florida, divorces require the equal distribution of marital assets. What this means is that anything purchased or co-mingled during the marriage is considered marital and those assets have to be divided equally to the spouses. However, if one…
Alimony Can Break You In a Florida Divorce: Truth or Myth?
Written By: Lenorae C. Atter, Attorney Wood, Atter & Wolf, P.A. Florida alimony laws have been scrutinized over the years because we do not have an alimony calculation, but simply calculate alimony based on factors of marriage duration; contribution to the marriage; marital lifestyle; etc. In addition, the type of…