Written By: Lenorae C. Atter, Attorney Wood, Atter & Wolf, P.A. Alimony in Florida can be defined as a spousal support established to help keep both parties in the same lifestyle to which they were accustomed during the marriage. Alimony has been established for individuals that are divorcing that have…
Articles Posted in Alimony
In Florida, Can I Get Permanent Alimony If I’ve Been Married for 10 Year?
Written By: Lenorae C. Atter, Attorney Wood, Atter & Wolf, P.A. In Florida, divorces involving alimony have gone through significant changes in the last couple of years. In 2010 the Florida law changed to include definitions of short-term marriages as anything less than seven years; moderate-term marriages are those that…
In Florida, How Do I Get Permanent Alimony?
Written By: Lenorae C. Atter, Attorney Wood, Atter & Wolf, P.A. Alimony in Florida has changed in the last couple of years. In 2011, the alimony law has been changed and will take effect on July 1, 2011 regarding all pending divorce cases and any new modifications of old divorce…
Permanent Alimony Changes in Florida Divorces
Written By: Lenorae C. Atter, Attorney Wood, Atter & Wolf, P.A. Florida divorce laws regarding alimony have changed in the last two years. Alimony, as late as 2009, basically held that there were short-term, the gray area and long-term marriages for purposes of determining the amount of alimony and how…
In Determining Alimony in My Florida Divorce, Can Income Be Imputed Through Marital Assets?
Written By: Lenorae C. Atter, Attorney Wood, Atter & Wolf, P.A. Florida divorces require that assets, including all accounts (IRAs, Mutual Funds, etc.) be divided equally by the parties. Once the assets are divided equally, the income available to the parties may be construed differently and impute certain monthly allowances…
Can I Keep My Club Membership In A Divorce?
Written By: Lenorae C. Atter, Attorney Wood, Atter & Wolf, P.A. Club memberships can be a point of argument in a divorce. Often, couples who have membership to a private club are both covered under the same member policy. Typically, one membership will include both people in the couple, so…
How Long Does It Take To Get Divorced In Florida?
Written By: Lenorae C. Atter, Attorney Wood, Atter & Wolf, P.A. As a Jacksonville divorce lawyer, I am often asked how long a divorce will take. The time for a divorce is based on a number of factors including whether there issues involving children; marital assets; alimony; personal businesses; etc.…
What You Should Do When Served With Divorce Papers In Florida
Written By: Lenorae C. Atter, Attorney Wood, Atter & Wolf, P.A. When you are served with divorce papers it can be overwhelming and difficult to understand what you will do next. Once you are served a divorce petition, you have twenty (20) days to file an answer with the court…
My Spouse Can Afford A Lawyer, But I Can’t…What Are My Options? Florida Divorce
Written By: Lenorae C. Atter, Attorney Wood, Atter & Wolf, P.A. Stay at home parents going through a divorce often question how they will get through the divorce financially. In Florida, if you do not have money to hire a lawyer, but your spouse does, then you will need to…
In Florida, Is Alimony A Factor in Child Support Calcuations?
Written By: Lenorae C. Atter, Attorney Wood, Atter & Wolf, P.A. In Florida, if alimony is a factor in a divorce, with children, then alimony must first be determined in order to properly calculate the child support. Child support is based on the income of both parties and alimony is…