Written By: Lenorae C. Atter, Attorney Wood, Atter & Wolf, P.A. In Florida, to file for divorce, you must reside in the State for at least six (6) months prior to filing a petition with the court. The Florida residency requirement only requires one of the parties to have residence…
Articles Posted in Alimony
What Factors Are Considered in Alimony Divorce Cases in Florida?
Alimony or spousal support, in Florida, is determined by the set of facts surrounding the divorce, not a calculation like you have in Florida child support cases. Unlike Child Support, the determination is not based on a statutory guidelines that says x +y = z, instead factors of the marriage…
About Alimony in Florida
Like most states, the awarding of alimony in Florida depends on a number of factors, including the length of the marriage, contribution to the marriage (both financial and non-financial), education level of both spouses, employability of both spouse, and more. Florida has four different types of alimony: permanent, lump sum,…
Short Term Marriage in Florida – What are Your Entitlements?
In determining an award for alimony, Florida family courts may consider a considerable amount of factors. Among these factors is a rebuttable presumption regarding the duration of marriage. The length of marriage is the period of time from the date of marriage until the date of filing of an action…
Florida has 4 Types of Alimony: Bridge-the-gap, Rehabilitative, Durational, and Permanent – What’s the Difference?
Pursuant to Title VI, Civil Practice and Procedure, Chapter 61, Dissolution of Marriage; Support; Time-Sharing, Section 61.08, Alimony, Florida courts may grant alimony to either party, which may be bridge-the-gap, rehabilitative, durational, or permanent in nature or award any combination of these types of alimony. Bridge-the-gap alimony is an unmodifiable…
A Jacksonville, Florida Family Law Lawyer explains the recent Changes to Florida’s Alimony Statute
The recent changes to Florida’s alimony statute will apply to all initial awards of alimony entered after July 1, 2010 and modifications of such awards. These amendments cannot be the basis to modify awards or change the amount or duration alimony awards entered before July 1, 2010. Below is a…
Israeli Man Breaks Record For Highest Number of Divorces
A Jewish Israeli man recently broke the country’s record for the highest number of divorces – again. Previously, the record for the most number of divorces for one person was seven. This unnamed man has now been divorced eleven times. He reportedly told the Rabbinical court that he usually divorces…
Florida Alimony and Child Support – House Bill 907
House Bill 907 was approved and signed by Governor Crist on June 3, 2010. This bill made a number of changes to child support and alimony laws. Changes: 1. Requires child support awards to end upon the child reaching the age of majority and, where appropriate, to account for revised…
Alimony is Inevitable: Florida Divorce Myths and the Truth Behind Them
Florida divorces do not mean alimony payments. Myths can be cruel to the outside world that is interested in pursuing a divorce. In Florida, there is no such thing as alimony being a certain. Myths such as the following list are created as scare tactics and used to create fear,…
Cheating Matters: Florida Divorce Myths
Affairs during the marriage matter in a Florida divorce, another common myth tackled by a Jacksonville divorce lawyer. Yesterday, the counseling myth in divorces was discussed. Today, the myth that the affair will bring justice to the innocent spouse will be tackled. This week we will be focusing on the…