
Articles Posted in Divorce / Dissolution of Marriage


Do I Have to Attend Mediation in My Florida Divorce, Child Support, Timesharing or Paternity Case?

Written by: Lenorae C. Atter, Attorney Wood, Atter & Wolf, P.A. In Jacksonville, Florida family law matters, such as divorce, paternity actions, timesharing, and child support must go to mediation before a trial can be conducted. Mediation is a court ordered process that allows parties to reach an agreement, with…


Florida Options for Collecting Unpaid Child Support

Written by: Lenorae C. Atter, Attorney Wood, Atter & Wolf, P.A. Florida child support that has been ordered but gone unpaid may be collected through a Motion for Contempt or by the Department of Revenue’s Child Support Enforcement. A court order is enforceable, so if you have not received child…


Florida Divorce and Using the Right Tool to Protect Your Kids From the Fight

In Florida, going through a divorce involving children can be difficult on the parents and children alike. In determining where the children are going to live, often the parents have to put their wants and wishes to the side and consider the best place for the child. If the parents…


In Florida, Can I Be Responsible for My (Ex)Spouse’s Car After a Divorce?

In a marriage, cars are normally titled in the husband and wife’s names. In Florida, if you cause an accident, then you are responsible for any damages that result. However, if your spouse is on the car, then s/he is also responsible for any damages that result because you are…


What Factors Are Considered in Alimony Divorce Cases in Florida?

Alimony or spousal support, in Florida, is determined by the set of facts surrounding the divorce, not a calculation like you have in Florida child support cases. Unlike Child Support, the determination is not based on a statutory guidelines that says x +y = z, instead factors of the marriage…


Options in a Florida Divorce When Your Home Has Equity

Florida divorces are ruled by statute that divides marital property equally. Obviously a home has to either be taken by one party or sold. However, if there is equity in the property, then the decision on who takes the home or if it is sold becomes more difficult because both…


How Does An Affair Affect My Divorce in Florida?

In Florida, couples do not need a reason for divorce other than their marriage is over. In fact, Florida is a no-fault divorce state which means that even if the actions of one party led to the end of the marriage (an affair), that action is not considered in determining…


Florida Divorce: Is My Home a Marital Asset?

Dividing your property when going through a Florida divorce can be challenging because there is marital property and nonmarital property and marital property gets divided equally, Florida Statute 61.075(5)(a)(2). Determining what is marital property and nonmartial property has been a challenge, even for the courts. If you buy a home…


What is Marital and Nonmarital in Florida Divorces?

A divorce in Florida can be difficult for both parties. Florida recognizes marital property and debts as jointly owned, regardless which name it is titled in. When couples go through a divorce, the property is to be equitably divided, which can be challenging for the parties because there is uncertainty…

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