
Articles Posted in Parenting Plans / Time Sharing


Co-parenting Helps Couples Ease the Impact of Divorce on Their Children

For parents going through a divorce, keeping things civil can be difficult. Not keeping things civil can be difficult for the children involved. As divorcing parents are starting to look for alternatives to fighting over and in front of the kids, co-parenting classes are gaining in popularity. Co-parenting classes are…


In a Divorce the Family Pet is Considered Property, Not Family Member

Divorces are usually marked by battles over property and child custody issues. Deciding who gets to keep the family pet can add a whole new topic for couples to fight over. Who gets to keep the dog, cat or lizard is a topic that comes up frequently in divorce proceeding,…


Utah State Courts Offering Classes for Children of Divorce

Children of parents who have filed for a divorce or are already divorced can now participate in free divorce classes in the state of Utah. The classes are for children aged 9-11 and are taught by a mental health professional, who helps the children learn how to communicate more openly…


Couples Save Financial, Emotional Distress with “Collaborative Divorce”

An emerging divorce method, using what is called a “collaborative process,” brings legal, financial and mental health professionals together to help encourage cooperation between the divorcing couple. The method is starting to gain momentum as the Florida Bar has drafted legislation to codify collaborative divorces into Florida state law. The…


Florida Divorce Myths: Florida Visitation and Child Support

Written By: Lenorae C. Atter, Florida Family Law Attorney In a Florida divorce, I realize there are divorce myths, which seem to circulate from Jacksonville to Miami. If you are going through a divorce there are certain myths that people seem to tell. The most common myth for in…


Florida Parental Rights, Termination and Child Support

Written By: Lenorae C. Atter, Florida Family Law Attorney In Jacksonville, Florida, as a family law attorney, I receive questions about terminating parental rights. This is not an easy process since there are many protections in place for parents. I will probably do a series of blogs on this…


Florida Visitation or Time Sharing: Rights of a Parent Living Away

Written By: Lenorae C. Atter, Florida Family Law Attorney In Florida, many courts have time sharing or visitation guidelines and they can be specific to distance. In Jacksonville, we have the 4th Judicial Circuit Guidelines, which provide for time sharing throughout the school year and holidays. Time sharing is…


Florida Relocation Statute- Florida Divorce and Time Sharing/Vistation

Written By: Lenorae C. Atter, Florida Family Law Attorney In Florida, there is a relocation statute if you are moving with a child. As a Jacksonville divorce and family law attorney, I realize that not everyone understands that moving may require court action. Relocating for a job, marriage or…


Moving Out Of Florida With The Child: What Are the Rules in Florida?

Written by Whitney R. Lonker, Wood, Atter & Wolf, P.A. One of the most common issues that I see arise after a divorce in Florida is that the primary time-sharing parent wants to relocate to another State or out of the county in which the divorce was finalized and…


Jacksonville Visitation and Family Law Attorney Featured in Florida Times Union

In a Florida Times Union article this week, summer visitation/timesharing was a topic of the article, ” ‘Summer switch’ under way for divorced parents, kids“, which quoted our attorney, Lenorae C. Atter, on the ins and outs of summer timseharing. The article focused on the changes for both the children…

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