
Florida Divorce and Frequently Asked Questions

Written By: Lenorae C. Atter, Family Law Attorney

1. In a divorce, who gets the home?
– The marital home is a marital asset and is subject to equitable distribution or the assets being divided equally. However, if there are minor children, then typically the party who has the majority of the time with the children will get the home until the children reach the age of 18. If there are no children, one party may force the sale and the proceeds be split equally.

2. What if nonmarital money was put into home?
– If one party put money down on the home that was nonmarital (obtained prior to the marriage ex. sale of prior home), then the nonmarital amount is credited to that party and the remaining equity is split 50/50.

3. Why do I have to pay alimony or spousal support?
– You create it, you support it. Now, there a number of factors that go into this determination of support: length of the marriage, marital history, educational backgrounds, work history, need, etc.

4. How much will I have to pay in alimony?
– Florida does not have an alimony calculator like some states. The Court and attorneys typically have a formula that is based on need, length of the marriage, ability for the party to provide for him/herself, educational background, work history, etc.

5. Do I have to pay alimony or spousal support if my ex moves in with someone?
– No. Cohabitation of a party receiving support is a statutory basis for terminating the spousal support. The ex does not have to remarry, you simply ask for the a modification or termination from the court based on the fact that your ex is receiving support from someone else in the form of a roommate.

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