
I’m Not the Father – Disestablishing Paternity in Florida Part I

Paternity actions in Florida are common because there is a strong belief that children need two parents and child support. Many men are faced, on a daily basis, with a woman informing them they have a child, or a court document greeting them at their home delivering the stork’s news. Once the court gets involved, there is a need to establish the father of the child legally, child support and time sharing. So, what happens when you find out, after a few years of this financial and emotional obligation that you, in fact, are not the baby’s daddy?
In 2007, the Florida legislature passed the Disestablishment of Paternity Statute. This law allows for men to have the right to petition that they no longer have the obligation to a child if new evidence has come to light. However, there are multiple restrictions on the men for them to prove their case to a judge. It is important to contact a family law attorney to discuss your options and the actual expectation that you will be successful in pursuing this matter.

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