Bristol Palin, the nineteen year old daughter of 2008 vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin, went before a judge recently to ask that her child custody battle with former fiancé, Levi Johnston, be closed. She has filed for sole custody of her son, Tripp, saying that the child’s father is too immature to be a good parent. She argued that all of the media attention would be harmful to her son, and that our modern electronic communication systems would mean that he would be able to read stories about the battle once he is old enough.
For his part, Levi Johnston is asking for joint custody and has argued to keep the case public, saying that he fears the power Sarah Palin could have over the proceedings if they are kept secret. An Alaska judge ruled that Bristol Palin had no evidence that publicity would be harmful to the child, and that the records would remain open.
In Florida, the term joint custody is no longer used. The courts use parenting plans and time-sharing arrangements to govern the rights of parents to raise their children after a divorce. The new rules can be tricky. You should speak with a Jacksonville Divorce Attorney if you have questions regarding a divorce or custody issues. Walking into family court without an attorney is like performing surgery on yourself. It’s not a good idea! You should consult with a professional who knows the laws and can protect your rights.
Read more about the Palin / Johnston custody battle at Tripp Palin custody battle to be heard in public, judge rules.
If you are involved in a custody battle, please contact our firm for expert, compassionate legal counsel.