Written by Whitney R. Lonker, Wood, Atter & Wolf, P.A.
There was an article in the New York Times that outlined the divorce rate in this country at the present time as compared to divorce rates in the 1950’s. It appears that divorces are on the rise especially in this down economy. It appears that couples who married in the late 70’s had a less than 50% chance of remaining married. Those couples who are celebrating 45th, 50th and 70th wedding anniversaries are practically becoming obsolete. One reason for the drop off in couples reaching these landmark anniversaries is that people are marrying later in life these days and one party may die before the couple is able to reach the 25th wedding anniversary mark. However, the recent trend has been that couples are separating after about 7 years of marriage and divorcing during the 8th year and not even seeing the 15 year anniversary mark. If you are experiencing marital unbliss and are contemplating a divorce, please contact our firm to guide you through the process with expertise.