Fifteen years ago, Prince Sagala’s estranged husband disappeared with their two children. Four months ago, she found them again when she discovered her daughter’s Facebook page. Their father – Faustino Fernandez Utrera — had apparently fled to his native Mexico with them, after telling Sagala he was taking them to…
Jacksonville Divorce Lawyer Blog
Divorce Attorneys Becoming Fast Facebook Friends
Divorce attorneys are finding that Facebook, the most popular social networking site on the Internet with over 400 million users worldwide, is yielding numerous nuggets of gold when mined for information that one spouse can use against another in court during a divorce. In fact, the American Academy of Matrimonial…
What a Jacksonville Divorce Lawyer Can and Cannot Do for You
When you enter into a relationship with a divorce attorney, or any attorney for that matter, there are rules that govern the behavior of both client and attorney. Knowing what to expect, and what not to, is important so you obtain the best possible outcome for your case. Having an…
The Right to Privacy in Florida Divorce
Anyone who has ever seen a legal program on TV knows that what a client says to their attorney is privileged – meaning that the attorney cannot divulge what he or she has discussed with a client, either of their own free will or by a court order. It is…
Tracking Spouses’ Behavior Easier with an iPhone
According to a recent article in the Detroit Free Press, law enforcement agencies across the U.S. are turning to cell phone forensics for help in criminal investigations and the data they rely on to catch crooks could easily be applied in divorce cases to nabbing cheating spouses or getting your…
Good Communication Helps Your Divorce Case
The relationship you have with your divorce lawyer is in many ways the same as you would have with a co-worker or customer and good communication practices help ensure a positive outcome for your case. Here are some tips to help you communicate effectively with your divorce attorney: Keep and…
Florida Family Court is a Court of Equity – What does this mean for you?
The Florida Family Courts are courts of equity. The goal of equity courts is to make the parties equal. What exactly does this mean? Generally, this means that family courts are supposed to deal fairly and equally with all the concerned parties. Florida is an equitable distribution state. Equitable distribution…
Premarital Agreements in Florida – What may you contract for?
Premarital agreements fall under Fl. Stat. sec. 61.079. Pursuant to this statute, a premarital agreement must be in writing and signed by both parties. It is enforceable without consideration other than the marriage itself. The agreement becomes effective upon the marriage of the parties. The parties to a premarital agreement…
What Is The Cut-Off Date For Determining Marital Assets in a Florida Divorce?
This is a question I get asked every time I handle a divorce in Florida. One of the biggest concerns of divorcing couples in a Florida Divorce is who gets what in the equitable distribution process. One of the questions that needs to be answered is what are the marital…
Is Unequitable Distribution in Florida Possible?
Under Fl. Stat. § 61.075: Equitable Distribution of Marital Assets and Liabilities, Florida courts shall set apart to each spouse that spouse’s non-marital assets and liabilities. Generally, courts will distribute a couple’s martial assets and liabilities equally among both parties to the divorce proceedings. Equitable distribution in Florida is the…