
Jacksonville Divorce Lawyer Blog


Israeli Man Breaks Record For Highest Number of Divorces

A Jewish Israeli man recently broke the country’s record for the highest number of divorces – again. Previously, the record for the most number of divorces for one person was seven. This unnamed man has now been divorced eleven times. He reportedly told the Rabbinical court that he usually divorces…


Study Shows Men Hurt More When Romantic Relationships Go Bad

New research from Wake University shows that men suffer more stress in a rocky relationship than women and have a harder time accepting a break-up. The new study, published in the June issue of the Journal of Health and Social Behavior, examined the relationships of 1,000 college-age Florida men and…


Florida Divorce: When Going to Court Makes Sense

Florida divorce courts are no different than many other states when it comes to encouraging couples to settle their divorces via mediation or collaborative law: they’re for it. And while I usually urge divorcing couples to consider mediation or collaborative divorce, there are some instances when going to court is…


Financial Savings in No-Fault Divorce In Florida

In a no-fault state like Florida it is difficult to understand, as a family law attorney, why parties are willing to spend more money than they have to prove that a spouse was, in fact, having an extramarital affair. It is not to say that affairs are not personal or…

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