
Jacksonville Divorce Lawyer Blog


Grand Rapids, Michigan – Non-biological Surrogate Mother Takes Children Back

Amy and Scott Kehoe were unable to have children of their own. So they went to great lengths to hand pick an egg donor, sperm donor, and surrogate for their future child. They then hired a Michigan IVF clinic to carry out the procedure. The couple paid for everything out…


Australian Gold Medal Hurdler, Jana Rawlinson, Plans to Remarry Ex-Husband as Soon as Divorce is Final

After almost four years of marriage, Jana and Chris Rawlinson split up in April of 2009 and filed for divorce. Ms. Rawlinson is a gold medal winning hurdler, having won the 400m hurdles at the 2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games. The couple have a three year old son, Cornelis. But last…


Understanding Different Types of Florida Alimony

Florida law recognizes several types of alimony. Which type or types of alimony are awarded depends on the individual characteristics of the marriage. Some factors a judge may consider are adultery, the length of the marriage, and the employment prospects of both partners. In Florida, the alimony payments must be…


Jacksonville, Florida and other Military Parents Risk Losing Custody of Children When Deployed

Single Florida parents who have custody of their child or children and serve in the military face unique challenges when it comes time to deploy overseas. Sometimes doing your military duty can mean losing custody of your children. An organization exists called Father and Families which has worked hard to…


In Florida, Divorce Often Means Children Spend Less Time with Father

The strengthening Families Act of 2003 stated that thirty four percent of all American children live apart from their biological fathers. Forty percent of those children have not seen their fathers in over a year, and fifty percent of those children have never visited their father’s home. The US Census…


Great Britain Divorce Lawyers: Facebook Flirting Cited in Twenty Percent of Divorce Cases

Around fourteen million Brits use Facebook and other social networking sites to keep up with old friends or make new ones. A group of British divorce lawyers are claiming that social networking sites like Facebook are tempting people to cheat on their spouses – and the website has been cited…


Research Shows Divorce Can be Hard on Your Health – How to Take Care of Yourself After Divorce

Most people know that divorce is hard on the emotions and the finances, but not everyone is aware that it can negatively affect your health. Researchers from the University of Chicago and Johns Hopkins University have found that divorced people are 20% more likely to suffer from heart disease, diabetes,…


Army, Marine Divorce Rates Continue to Climb in Jacksonville, Florida and the Rest of the Nation

A recent article in the Army Times compared the divorce rates of the four major service branches for the past year. Jacksonville, Florida and the North Florida area serve as bases to thousands of military couples and families. Unfortunately, like many others throughout the country, divorce rates involving Florida service…


Florida Parental Relocation – What Florida Statute Applies?

In Florida, parents of children are required to comply with Section 61.13001, Florida Statutes when dealing with a parental relocation with a child. The Florida legislature and Courts recognize that a relocation of a child can be quite traumatic and life changing for both the parent and the child. It…

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