Written by Whitney R. Lonker, Wood, Atter & Wolf, P.A. wlonker@woodatter.com The first thing I tell my clients when they come to me with an initial divorce is that in divorce, nobody wins. I mean, in the end, the marriage is broken, property is divided and time with the children…
Jacksonville Divorce Lawyer Blog
Jacksonville Visitation and Family Law Attorney Featured in Florida Times Union
In a Florida Times Union article this week, summer visitation/timesharing was a topic of the article, ” ‘Summer switch’ under way for divorced parents, kids“, which quoted our attorney, Lenorae C. Atter, on the ins and outs of summer timseharing. The article focused on the changes for both the children…
Who Gets the Dog in Divorce in Florida?
Written by Whitney R. Lonker, Wood, Atter & Wolf, P.A. wlonker@woodatter.com Well, you’ve divided up your property, split the bank accounts, decided child custody or time-sharing and on the amout of child support to be paid but who gets the family dog or pet? Oftentimes this big little life is…
In Florida, the Department of Revenue Cannot Default Paternity
Written by Whitney R. Lonker, Wood, Atter & Wolf, P.A. wlonker@woodatter.com So many times I will receive a call from a man who has had a child support order issued against him by a Florida Court where the Department of Revenue, on behalf of the State of Florida, has filed…
Guardian and Stepparent Adoption: Florida Family Law
Written By: Lenorae Atter, Jacksonville Family Law Attorney latter@woodatter.com Stepparent and Guardianship adoptions in Florida are a growing interest and as a Jacksonville family law attorney, I find the statute only gets the process so far. In handling the adoption, there are many different ways for issues to arise and…
The Poor Economy, Divorce & Domestic Violence
Written by Whitney R. Lonker, Wood, Atter & Wolf, P.A., wlonker@woodatter.com In my family law practice in Jacksonville, Florida, I also practice criminal defense. I have seen an increase in the need for cross practicing in these areas with the poor economy and divorce as the issue of domestic violence…
The Internet While Going Through A Divorce in Florida: Friend or Foe?
Written by Whitney R. Lonker, Wood, Atter & Wolf, P.A. wlonker@woodatter.com If you are going through a Divorce in Florida, I can tell you that you should live as though were standing at the foot of the cross! Especially if there are children involved and custody is at issue or…
Fatherhood in Florida: What Are My Rights If I’m Not Married To The Mother?
So often in my family law practice in Jacksonville, Florida, I receive calls from fathers who are not married to the child’s mother asking what their rights are in Florida. Many fathers are under the mistaken belief that just because they signed the birth certificate that they are considered to…
Divorce and Grandparents: Florida Family Law
Written By: Lenorae Atter, Florida Family Law Attorney latter@woodatter.com Going through a divorce in Jacksonville, Florida or its surrounding areas can raise questions involving visitation, child support, alimony, etc. However, what about grandparents and the impact of divorce on them? In Florida, grandparents are not given a statutory right or…
Stability in a Divorcing World: Florida Divorce
In Jacksonville, Florida family law, I deal with cases involving children, divorces, support, visitation and custody, and as d a person interested in my work, I find different information helpful. What is most interesting, however, is that there are so many different statistics we can view, pieces we can read…