
Jacksonville Divorce Lawyer Blog


Florida Man Still Gets Child Support Bills After Death

Some people may think that child support ends with death. “Well, when I die, at least, I will not have to pay child support any longer.” Not so fast, the family of Scottie Pippen is still getting child support bills for him even thought he has been dead for 10…


Florida Driver’s License Suspension – Failure to Pay Child Support?

In Florida, a driver’s license can be suspended through the Division of Driver’s License (Department of Highways and Motor Vehicles) when a person fails to pay a child support obligation. The procedures for suspending a driver’s license can vary if the case is being pursued by the Department of Revenue…


It Sounded Like “Joint Custody, Why Isn’t It in Florida? – Explanation of Florida “Custody” Laws

For many years, the courts in Florida have embraced the idea that a child of divorced parents should enjoy the input and direction from both parents, not just the parent who has “custody.” So, under Chapter 61, Florida Statutes, the court will typically require that the divorcing parents have “…shared…


Florida Family Law Cases – The Good, Bad, and Ugly about My Space, Face Book and Other Social Networking Sites

Social networking sites like Face Book, My Space and others provide for a good support system for friends and family. When people are feeling down and need a friend or just are bored, they go to Face Book and My Space to read and posts their thoughts, feelings and activities.…

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