
Successful Post Divorce Living in Florida!:Florida Divorce Law

Written By Whitney R. Lonker, Wood, Atter & Wolf, P.A.

Money is a major source of stress for many people especially people who are in the throws of a divorce and who are scared about their financial future after the divorce. When a relationship breaks up and the parties are filled with so many different emotions, money is probably near the top of the list in worries. This is precisely the time to pay attention to your financial future and be very careful not to permit important financial decisions to go unattended in the flood of emotion. A divorce does not have to put you in the poor house. It is supposed to sever the legal bonds and also hopefully the emotional ones. Pursuing this end from a careful consideration of the legal bonds and the emotional bonds, a divorce attorney should be commited to creating successful financial solutions and to understanding how the emotionalism associated with money can disrupt the relationship during and after divorce. If you have a question about a divorce or equitable distribution issue, please call our firm for a consultation at 904-355-8888.

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