However, there are some instances where the courts may not grant visitation at all, or impose supervised visitation. These include instances where a parent has:
• Been convicted of a drug crime or DUI
• Has been convicted of a sex crimes offense
• Has a history of domestic violence
• Has a history of abusing drugs or alcohol
While it is usually best for divorcing parents to work out an equitable time-sharing schedule with the assistance of their divorce attorneys, the courts do recognize that where criminal or abusive behavior is involved, this may not be possible.
If a parent has engaged in criminal, abusive or addictive behavior, he or she may be disqualified from visitation rights. In cases where divorcing parents cannot agree on time-sharing, the court will step in and impose a parenting plan that covers how much time the noncustodial parent will be allowed with the children and how he or she is allowed to communicate with the other parent. Violating any of the provisions of the time-sharing agreement may result in the filing of a contempt order.