Articles Posted in Adultery

Florida courts recognize that some spouses do not have the income of the other and may have a need for assistance while they go through a divorce. Temporary needs have been established to protect a spouse needing support to remedy the ability for the soluble spouse to overpower with a “hired gun” because it provides the court the ability to assess attorneys fees and costs to the nonsupport seeking spouse. This levels the playing field and assures legal representation for both parties.

In addition to providing legal fees, the Temporary Needs are designed to assist in keeping the status quo of the marriage. Temporary Needs can address the following: alimony (to be provided during the divorce); child support; the marital home and expenses; etc.

The theory is to provide a comfortable transition for both parties and to address the issues that are pending immediately upon separation and the filing for a divorce. In order to preserve these rights and make certain that your issues are being addressed, it is important to contact an attorney who would be able to walk you through your situation and what you may or may not be entitled to receive.

Like trends that begin in Paris, Florida law is sometimes influenced by other states. In New York, a contested divorce is pending between a Long Island, New York doctor (Dr. Richard Batista) and his wife.

A Long Island doctor whose wife dumped him for her physical therapist after he gave her his kidney is suing the mother of three for the $1.5 million that he claims the organ is worth. Having donated his kidney to save his wife’s life in 2001, Mr. Batista feels he is owed compensation for his selfless act.

According to the story reported on Fox News, this is the first of its kind in New York. However, the idea is not so out of the ordinary for many spouses who have provided life through their own body part donations or supported their spouse through tedious treatments and doctor appointments. The concept of compensation for supporting life, when they have been betrayed by the donor is one we will most likely see arise in the future here in Florida.

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