Articles Posted in Alimony

scales.jpg Florida Statutes 61.08http:/” target=”_blank”governs the factors the courts can use to determine an award of alimony in Florida. However, in Florida, there is no formula for calculating the amount of alimony that could be awarded to any party like there is in calculating a child support obligation.

The main factors considered are the following:

1. The length of the marriage.

In Jacksonville, Florida, like the rest of the nation, parties are finding it difficult to make the final split and afford a divorce attorney to deal with important issues. Issues that can arise in a Florida Divorce are: the dvision of assets and debts; calculating alimony; child support payments; child custody; domestic abuse; and the valuation and division of the family business.
Some suggestions in divorcing in a bad economy include finding a divorce attorney in Jacksonville, Florida who will work with you on attorney’s fee payments, who will provide a free consultation or who may engage in a limited appearance on your behalf to draft and file your pleadings or to serve subpoenas or summonses. There are many creative ways to secure a good divorce or family law attorney in Florida in the waning economy. Be certain to inquire about ways to ease the payment and the process when speaking with a family law attorney.
Divorces can get expensive, but they don’t necessarily have to. Be savvy and ask questions. This is a great time to buy a house or a car. Shop for a divorce attorney in the same way as you would those items. You will not be disappointed when you get the same good deal.

Jacksonville, Florida and the rest of the country are feeling the stress of the economy. Times are tough, which makes people scared and angry. Domestic violence and tempers are on the rise in Jacksonville, Florida, and all across the nation. But it isn’t necessarily men who are doing all of the battering. More and more men are becoming victims of domestic violence and they are no longer taking it “like a man”. When anyone experiences violence against his/her person, it is imperative to seek help immediately. Whether that help comes in the immediate form of calling the police or subsequent to the abuse in fleeing to a domestic violence center , a hotel, or to an attorney, help is essential.

Ron Artest, Former Indiana Pacers star, was beaten and abused by his girlfriend when she struck him in the head. Artest called the police and the girlfriend was arrested. Many times men are afraid to call the police for help as the stereotype is to arrest the man when a domestic situation occurs. Men need to be encouraged to seek help whenever domestic violence is perpetrated against them.

In Florida, an injunction for protection against domestic violence can be issued and/or criminal charges can be filed against the batterer. There are provisions for protection for all and that protection should be sought before taking the law into your own hands.

As a Jacksonville, Florida family law attorney, I have not had the privilege of seeing a case involving $100 million in assets plus alimony in the amount of $130,000 per month. While most of us would think this ridiculous, the truth is that in a Florida divorce the assets are divided 50/50 and alimony is provided under certain provisions.

Marie Douglas-David is divorcing her CEO husband, George David, and in return she is asking for a little less than half his money, a mere a $100 million. In addition, she is requesting alimony of $130,000 per month. While this divorce is causing quite a buzz in the media, in Florida, the actual lifestyle of the couple would be considered and Mrs. Douglas-David is entitled to maintain her lavish lifestyle. The problem is that she signed a post-nuptial agreement that limits her money to $38 million. While all of these numbers are excessive and most of us would be content with the $38 million the truth is that Mr. David is actually worth $329 million and in a Florida divorce (IF the post-nuptial was not valid) Mrs. Douglas-David would be entitled to on half, making her portion $164.5 million, so she’s actually letting her husband save over $60 million.

In Florida, post-nuptials are valid. Post-nuptials are entered after the marriage of the parties. It is basically a way for the parties to protect themselves after the marriage commences and the signing party must be informed of all assets. Full disclosure is necessary to make the agreement valid, because otherwise the signing party does not know exactly what they are entitled to receive without the postnuptial.

In Florida divorces involving alimony, several elements must be met for alimony to be awarded. The Florida Statute regarding alimony sets out 5 types of different alimony available so that different levels of support may be granted. In Florida, alimony can come in the following forms:
1.Permanent: which is self explanatory, but does have limitations for future changes.
2. Lump Sum: basically getting a large amount either at one time or over the course of years.
3. Temporary: again, self explanatory.
4. Rehabilitative: This is used when one spouse has put their career or education on hold, or is need of further training, education, etc. to get a job or a higher paying position.
5. Bridge the Gap: This is designed to provide support from married life to single life and the transitions that one goes through during that time.

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As a Florida divorce attorney, one sees many reasons that people reach divorce. Often, unhappiness describes the general mood of your marriage and you know that divorce is the only answer, its time to get your game face on and start thinking like a business person.
If you haven’t given much thought to your finances because your spouse handles them, start looking at them. You need to know what expenses you have and what assets you have.

A Georgia lawyer who personally dealt with divorce and a certified financial planner founded the Institute for Certified Divorce Planners. They offer financial survival tips for the transition from married life to single life. It’s not a “stick-it-to-your-spouse” moment, it’s a “get a grip” momemnt. They make suggestions for what to do before the papers are filed, with the goal of easing the financial impact of the transition from wedlock to singlehood

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In Florida, when going through a divorce or separation, it is important to get a lawyer that understands the importance of putting down the boxing gloves.

You are ending a marriage and going from love to shuttering at the sounds of her voice or the site of his face, an experienced divorce attorney should take control and guide the client through a constructive not destructive approach. Even though the client may want to “take him for all he’s worth” or “destroy her”, its the lawyer’s responsibility to provide a workable solution especially if there are children involved.

The members of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers have proven that resolutions are often reached without the need for trial. In a 2007 poll, 58 percent of its members indicated that more of their divorce cases over the past five years were settled without trial. Only 12 percent said they were resolving fewer cases without trial. In this present economy, it has been shown that there is a clear preference among middle-income clients to reach agreements without a trial to cut down on the costs of the litigation.

Navigating your way through unchartered divorce territory can lead to trouble. Often, paying for a divorce can be difficult, especially when one of you makes little to no money. Normally, one spouse ends up footing the bill and incurring extra expenses while the other spouse pays for very little. What can you do when you’re waiting for the divorce to be finalized??? TEMPORARY NEEDS HEARING is the answer!

In a temporary needs hearing, a judge will look at each party’s income to debt ratio and order a temporary spousal support, child support and marital debt payments. The temporary needs hearing is probably the most important hearing during the dissolution process before finalization occurs. It helps to set the tone for the rest of the divorce process and it also identifies the responsibilities of each party regarding the marital liabilities.

1060924_rail_2.jpg In Florida, rising tides of economic instability play a dramatic role in divorce. During their pending divorce, couples are remaining under the same roof due to the housing market. Divorce lawyers recognize that the marital home has transformed from an asset to a liability. However, the idea of splitting the debt associated with the home can be very appealing.

Divorce is affected by the economy because it plays a roled in factoring spousal support, debt division, living arrangements and tax consequences of the parties. In a Florida divorce, the parties assets and liabilities are divided equally, the marital home is the major asset in most cases. The slow market has created difficulties for the parties because most of the time, the marital home has not sold by the time the divorce is being finalized. With difficult time, often there are difficult questions, divorce is no different. Questions range from: Who is going to be responsible for the mortgage? to Who gets to live in the home while it is on the market? Hard times need creative solutions,just as Congress, and divorce lawyers can help divorcing parties navigate through the muddy waters of the present market.

In Florida, when couples divorce they often seek alimony. The economic situation is now leading to bankruptcy as a common divorce issue. If the filing former spouse has an alimony obligation, the question becomes, is that obligation dischargeable in the bankruptcy? Dischargeable bankruptcy debts are outline in United States Code, Title 11, Chapter 13. The old version of the law stated that the alimony obligation was not dischargeable unless the payor did not have the ability to pay the debt and the discharge benefit to the payor out-weighed the harm to the spouse receiving the alimony. That is not the case anymore in Florida. The new section maintains that debts such as alimony to a former spouse or spouse on a temporary basis in the course of a divorce cannot be discharged at all. So this means that if you have an alimony obligation or are receiving alimony, the alimony obligation cannot be discharged in a bankruptcy action. These issues can be extremely complicated and obtaining a family law attorney would be beneficial.

Written by Whitney R. Lonker
Wood, Atter & Wolf, P.A.

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