In the wake of nearly a dozen women claiming to have engaged in extra-marital affairs with golfer Tiger Woods, his wife, Elin Nordegren Woods has reportedly moved out of the couple’s mansion and moved back to Sweden, her home country. The couple does have a prenuptial agreement, but the contents of the agreements are not open to the public. The Woods’ prenuptial agreement is a premarital contract, and theirs will be governed by the Uniform Premarital Agreement Act of section 61.079 of the Florida Statutes. Their prenuptial agreement likely spells out how much alimony Ms. Woods is entitled to receive, if any, the distribution of property and other assets, and any other miscellaneous arrangements that were contemplated by the parties at the time they made the agreement . The right of a child to support may not be adversely affected by a premarital agreement. Premarital agreements, like other contracts, usually hold up in court as long as they are legally executed and do not contain unconscionable clauses. To create a premarital agreement that is legally sufficient to protect your interests you should seek the assistance and expertise of a licensed Florida Family Law attorney.
As for the children, Sam and Charlie, Florida has no presumption of marital custody, meaning that the father and the mother have an equal chance of gaining time-sharing depending on what is in the child’s best interest. Florida rules governing child custody changed substantially in 2008. The terms custody, custodial parent, non-custodial parent, visitation, primary residential parent, and secondary resident parent were eliminated from the statute. The disposition of children after a marriage is now determined by parenting plans and time-sharing schedules. These arrangements are governed by Florida Statutes chapter 61.
In light of the alleged extramarital indiscretions by Tiger Woods it is likely that Ms. Woods may have strong arguments for her to be the parent with more timesharing with the children and be entitled to receive substantial child support. In order for her to be able to move the children to Sweden with her she will have to petition the court and show why it is in the childrens’ best interests. Tiger would be entitled to object to moving the children so far from the marital home. Find out more details about the prenuptial agreement at