In order to file for a divorce in Florida you must file a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage. The petition is designed to lay out all requests of the party filing for divorce. The divorce action will require a division of marital debts and assets, so you want to make certain that you address anything regarding non-marital debts and assets be established so that there is automatically a clear definition that these items may exits. In addition, if you need alimony and/or child support, then it is also important that these matters be alleged in the petition.
As a divorce lawyer in Jacksonville, Florida, I often have clients ask if they can keep the petition simple so that the other party is not too upset by the action. This is difficult to do, especially when there are children involved, because you have to allege your requests up front so that the court will hear them when the time comes. It is important to remember that if you do not ask for it you cannot get it, so often the initial petition will ask for the sun, moon and stars because otherwise you have barred your ability to request those items unless you file an amended petition.
Also, remember that if you are the party receiving the petition, you have the right to file a counter-petition and ask for the kitchen sink as well. Divorce can be messy, but understanding the process can help alleviate some of the emotions and help you better understand that it is business deal and not an emotional one. Keeping your business mind in the forefront of the divorce can make a difficult process a little easier to stomach as it goes on.
If you are interested in filing for divorce you should speak with a divorce lawyer to help you better understand your rights and options along with the process of the divorce.