Moving Out Of Florida With The Child: What Are the Rules in Florida?


Written by Whitney R. Lonker, Wood, Atter & Wolf, P.A.

One of the most common issues that I see arise after a divorce in Florida is that the primary time-sharing parent wants to relocate to another State or out of the county in which the divorce was finalized and away from the non-primary time-sharing parent. I see clients on both sides of this issue. I represent clients who want to move and I represent clients who want to prevent the other parent from moving. Florida governs this issue with The Relocation Statute located in the Florida Statutes. The Courts will determine the issue of relocation by using the best interests of the child standard and is to consider the parent’s reason for seeking or opposing the relocation, the current relationship between the child and each parent, the impact that the relocation will have on the quality of the child’s relationship with the non-relocating parent, the emotional effects that relocating will have on the child, and the practical effect the relocation will have on the child’s ability to maintain a close and loving relationship with the non-relocating parent.
If you want to move out of the State of Florida with your child, there are some statutory tasks that you must do to be able to accomplish the move. Also, if you want to object to a relocation, there are specific things you must do to object. Please call our firm for the help that you need in realizing these steps and for the help that you need.

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