During the final weeks of the popular dating reality show “The Bachelor”, the young pilot bachelor pays a visit with the ladies to their respective families. Gia, Allie, Tenley and Vienna are the “lucky” finalists this season, and Jake, the bachelor, dutifully travelled to Massachusetts, Oregon, Florida, and New York to meet the families of the women he is dating on the show.
One of the bachelorettes, Tenley, is a divorcee from Oregon. Part of the drama of the show is the idea that Tenley may not be fully over her recent divorce; something Jake will have to take into consideration when making his final choice. When visiting her family, it was clear that they were very protective of her and didn’t want to see her get hurt by another failed romantic relationship.
Contrary to popular belief there is such thing as successful dating after divorce. Public dating on a popular TV show may not be the way most women and men choose to begin dating again after a break up, but there is no question that getting back into the dating scene is a positive step toward healing.