No papers have been filed yet, but Ronald Cummings, the father of missing Jacksonville, Florida child, Haleigh Cummings, reported to CNN that he and his wife Misty will be getting a divorce. While Misty at first did not want to go along with Ronald’s decision, she finally agreed to it earlier this week.
The two are the parents of 6-year-old Haleigh Cummings, who has been missing from her Jacksonville, Florida home since February 9th, 2009. Ronald attributes the divorce to the stress of their daughter disappearing while under Misty’s care, Misty’s story about the events of that night, and the stress of being hounded by the public. Misty is not expected to contest the divorce.
There is no question that the loss of a child can have a devastating impact on a marriage. If your marriage has suffered an irreparable harm, please contact our firm for legal counsel.