New York Yankee fans can rest assured that Alex Rodriguez (A-Rod) will be able to focus on baseball this year. His Florida divorce is over after less than a year battling with his (ex) wife, Cynthia Rodriguez. The couple was able to reach a settlement agreement, trumping the need to go to court.
Cynthia Rodriguez filed for divorce in Miami, Florida in July, 2008. The petition filed with the court stated, “The marriage of the parties is irretrievably broken because of the husband’s extramarital affairs and other marital misconduct.” Florida is a “no-fault” divorce state, meaning that the affairs really held no legal bearing on alimony. However, any money A-Rod used in advancing the relationships could come back to pad the pocket of Mrs. A-Rod. For example, a trip to England to visit a certain pop star could be fully reimbursed depending on the settlement reached by the couple.