In the State of Florida, ending a marriage (otherwise referred to as a Florida divorce) is a difficult decision, and it may takes months or even years for either party to come to the realization that things are not working anymore. Research indicates that many couples give the holiday season or the summer for “one last shot” at making things work, and ultimately when things don’t work, they find that divorce is the only option. A recent University of Washington study indicates that there are particular times of year that divorce filings increase, specifically, the months of March and August. Over 15 years of analysis, the State of Washington demonstrated increased filings in spring and late summer that these times of year are when individuals tend to make the decision to end their marriage. Interestingly, the study indicates a similar trend throughout the United States, including Florida. While there are trends, the selection of the month or time of year to file a Florida divorce action is up to the party filing the divorce action.
While divorce is a year round consideration, it makes sense that these two months are the highest filing times for divorce. First, considering the needs of the children is important to parents when deciding to divorce. Holidays and summer vacation bring times of optimism that “things will get better,” and when they don’t, couples turn to make the final decision. This “domestic ritual” calendar is important, researchers say, because it governs family behavior that they don’t want disturb during the initial stages of divorce. From a real life examination, it makes sense no one wants to splitting up their house with summer plans and back to school around the corner. There are too many unknowns. In addition, the high stress and emotional times in holidays also
Second, spouses need to find time to meet and interview lawyers. Once the children return to the routine, these provide opportunities for unhappy spouses to make the time to sit down with an experienced Florida family law attorney to discuss their legal priorities and options This is very important step that every spouse, because being educated as to what to expect and how to approach the divorce process should include an experienced attorney who can advise and advocate on behalf of your rights. Every family and even each spouse has different priorities to consider when it comes to what they hope to receive in a divorce. Knowing that the kids are back to their routine, gives parents a chance to consider how to make the necessary changes while the kids have stability of a scholastic calendar.
Third, a clear financial picture is important to many Florida divorce filers in order to not only looking at what issues will need to resolved and how much of the fixed “family finances” there will be to dedicate to finding new housing, retaining an attorney, and other expenses that divorcing couples face. This is why it makes sense that March is the other big filing spike for divorces, as couples have just completed their tax filings and have paid off holiday debt, so the financial picture is at its clearest.
While these considerations are the basis for why divorces spike biannually, the reality is that these are the major factors that spouses consider year round when looking at divorces: children, legal rights, and money. Being informed and making the best decision for your family in moving forward through divorce should include being advised by an experienced attorney. Ultimately, demonstrating a happy life to your children is important and if divorce is something that you are considering, speaking with a Florida family law lawyer so that you can understand what your options may be is the only way to know if you are ready to take that step.
At Wood, Atter & Wolf, P.A., each family law client is assigned an experienced family law attorney as well as a supervising partner to handle the family law case. The law firm has been representing family law clients in Jacksonville, Florida and surrounding areas since 1957. At Wood, Atter & Wolf, P.A. we are On Your Side – At Your Side.